Your box makers will be in training on July 24th and 25th. Please email us at or call and leave a message and we will get back to you.

Order Summary Report Information

A handful of customers have contacted us asking to provide an account of all orders for the year. We worked with customers and our developers to come up with a report that has the following.
1. A complete list of orders for a selected date range.
2. A line showing $0 due.
3. Notation indicating that orders have been paid.
4. Ability to export the data as a csv file that can easily be imported to Excel or other accounting software.

Prerequisites for using the report.
• A “My Account” must be set up on
• The same single email address must be used for all transactions in order for those transactions to show up in the report at the end of the year.

To use the new report, log into My Account on
Click on the Order History tab and scroll to the bottom of the page.
There is a button labeled, View Order Summary Report. Select a beginning and end date and then click the View Orders button.
This will display the orders for that range of dates. At the bottom of this report is a button that reads, Export As CSV.
When you click that button in a window should pop up asking where you would like the csv file saved.
Choose a location and your file will be saved by default as filename, orderSummaryReport.csv.